Year 3
Welcome to Year 3
In year 3 our English texts are:
- Little Red Riding Hood
- How to Wash A Woolly Mammoth
- Funny Bones
- Stone Age Boy
- The Great Kapok Tree
- Buddy’s Rainforest Rescue
- Alfie’s Roman Adventure
Our class author is Roald Dahl
Our Class Bible Story is
- Moses and the ten commandments with the focus of being respectful
We will have trips to
- Prehistoric Pots workshop at Hanley museum in the Autumn term TBC
- 27th September it is European day of languages
- Tatton Park- Stone Age Experience- Tuesday 19th November.
- Stanley Head: mapping skills/nightline/team building Tuesday 12th/Thursday 14th November
- Rocks and soils Science workshop- The Potteries Museum Spring term TBC
- Virtual Reality rainforest experience Spring Term Monday 7th April.
- Roman Dewa museum / Chester Visit Summer term TBC
- Hanley Library- summer reading challenge Summer term TBC
We have roles and responsibilities including
- Arts ambassadors
- Fish monitors 3S
- Trevor monitors 3S
- Peer mediators
- cloak area monitors,
- book area monitors,
- Seesaw monitors
- prayer partners
- playground leaders
Our PE days are
- Indoor – Fridays with BeeActive sports company
- Outdoor – Tuesdays with ASM sports company